
This began as many business ventures begin — by a stroke of luck. The two founders, Stonemonkey and Robot, had a chance meeting on a ski lift. Topics discussed included the latest and greatest snowboards, energy drinks, and vaporizers. Robot was intrigued, but he had no idea what a vaporizer was, so Stonemonkey invited him over to test out one of the many vaporizers he owned. When Robot first saw the vaporizers Stonemonkey was using, his first reaction was, "Holy $h*t! Are you sure this thing is healthier than just smoking?"
Stonemonkey assured Robot that these devices were safe, but Robot was hesitant to try one despite his curiosity. Robot then innocently asked, "Do you think you could make a better one?" and Stonemonkey immediately began doing research on how to make the Ultimate Vaporizing Machine. With the help of many avid vaporists, engineers, and artisans, as well as thousands of hours of hard work, we are proud to present the first of many great aroma-therapeutic from VapeXhale: The Cloud.
Stonemonkey assured Robot that these devices were safe, but Robot was hesitant to try one despite his curiosity. Robot then innocently asked, "Do you think you could make a better one?" and Stonemonkey immediately began doing research on how to make the Ultimate Vaporizing Machine. With the help of many avid vaporists, engineers, and artisans, as well as thousands of hours of hard work, we are proud to present the first of many great aroma-therapeutic from VapeXhale: The Cloud.
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